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Computing architectural composition from the semantics of the »Vocabulaire de l’architecture«


Until a recent date, the scientific research was reticent to face the problems posed by the de-sign (creation) of sensuous forms; and indeed, everything indicates that the difficulties neces-sary to surmount in order to describe those processes are considerable. In the immense field of investigation, the thread that we propose to follow in order to penetrate into the mental uni-verse of the designer is the one of language. Furthermore: since our long term objective is more specific to comprehend the genesis of architectural forms, we are particularly interested in the means that language offers to express the space concepts that are requested from that point of view.

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Published in:

Borillo, Mario; Goulette, Jean-Pierre: Computing architectural composition from the semantics of the »Vocabulaire de l’architecture«. In: IMAGE. Zeitschrift für interdisziplinäre Bildwissenschaft, Jg. 2 (2006), Nr. 2, S. 47-57.
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