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Konturen der Kulturwissenschaft/en – einleitende Überlegungen


The article focuses on the founding narratives of Kulturwissenschaft/en in Germany (studies of culture) that have been addressed in the last decades. According to these narratives, Kulturwissenschaft/en are either described as the result of a fundamental crisis of the humanities or as the result of a radical transformation of the lifeworld since the 19th century. These narratives, however, have not lead to an epistemological foundation of German Kulturwissenschaft/en. Against this background, the article outlines in which ways Kulturwissenschaft as a discipline can be understood as an academic reflexion based on experiences of otherness and difference. Therefore, it will be argued that an epistemology of Kulturwissenschaft may provide a broader framework reflecting the complex and conflictual relation of academic research and culture as well as media as essential conditions of cultural knowledge.

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Published in:

Metten, Thomas: Konturen der Kulturwissenschaft/en – einleitende Überlegungen. In: Kulturwissenschaftliche Zeitschrift, Jg. 1 (2016), Nr. 1, S. 5-16.10.25969/mediarep/3584
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