Filming Auschwitz in 1945: Osventsim

Author(s): Bruttmann, Tal


The film made by Soviet operators at Auschwitz following the discovery of the camp by the 1st Ukrainian front plays a central role in the construction of memory and representations of the site. Many of the scenes extracted from it have survived to the present day, and regularly feature in documentaries devoted to the subject in its broadest sense, far beyond Auschwitz alone: the concentration camp universe, Nazism and the Second World War.

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Preferred Citation
Bruttmann, Tal: Filming Auschwitz in 1945: Osventsim. In: Research in Film and History, Jg. (2025), Nr. 6, S. 1-22. DOI:
 author = {Bruttmann, Tal},
 title = {Filming Auschwitz in 1945: Osventsim},
 year = 2025,
 doi = "\url{}",
 editor = {Tcherneva, Irina and Moutier-Bitan, Marie and Pozner, Valèrie},
 address = {Bremen},
 journal = {Research in Film and History},
 number = 6,
 pages = {1--22},
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