Gemein, gewöhnlich, populär. Figuren der Alterität im zeitgenössischen brasilianischen Dokumentarfilm


This text is devoted to the exploration of different figurations of ordinary people in Brazilian documentary. Guimarães problematizes the representation of the underclass, often based on the thematization of crime and misery, and develops a film-theoretical position of documental localization of identity in everyday life, in which an alterity exists that can't be reduced to social stereotypes. After a discussion of political-aesthetical positions of Jean-Louis Comolli, Jacques Rancière, Michel de Certeau and Giorgio Agamben, the author finally exemplifies documental strategies in an analysis of Eduardo Coutinhos BOCA DE LIXO (1992) that differ from spectacularizing forms - such as television reports - which degrade the other of class to an object of cliché and simplified denominations.

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Preferred Citation
Guimarães, Cesar: Gemein, gewöhnlich, populär. Figuren der Alterität im zeitgenössischen brasilianischen Dokumentarfilm. In: Zeitschrift für Medienwissenschaft, Jg. 6 (2014), Nr. 2, S. 79-90. DOI: 10.25969/mediarep/1225.
 author = {Guimarães, Cesar},
 title = {Gemein, gewöhnlich, populär. Figuren der Alterität im zeitgenössischen brasilianischen Dokumentarfilm},
 year = 2014,
 doi = {10.25969/mediarep/1225},
 volume = 6,
 address = {Zürich},
 journal = {Zeitschrift für Medienwissenschaft},
 number = 2,
 pages = {79--90},
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