‘I’m not a racist . . . but’: Conservative media and the plasticities of color-blind racism

Author(s): Krzych, Scott


This essay examines the role of color-blind racism and rumors in contemporary political media, especially as racial rumors circulate in right-wing political discourse and on the conservative cable news network Fox News. Analysing a variety of examples in which rumors proliferate and contribute to the policing of communities of color, the article surveys Catherine Malabou’s deconstruction of self-sovereignty, treating Malabou’s work as a useful theoretical supplement to relevant critiques of systemic racism as developed by scholars working in Black studies and critical race theory. Ultimately, the article argues that the emphasis on representation alone in media studies is inadequate to the study of race, rumor, and political media.

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Preferred Citation
Krzych, Scott: ‘I’m not a racist . . . but’: Conservative media and the plasticities of color-blind racism. In: NECSUS_European Journal of Media Studies, Jg. 11 (2022), Nr. 1, S. 150-168. DOI:
 author = {Krzych, Scott},
 title = {‘I’m not a racist . . . but’: Conservative media and the plasticities of color-blind racism},
 year = 2022,
 doi = "\url{}",
 volume = 11,
 journal = {NECSUS_European Journal of Media Studies},
 number = 1,
 pages = {150--168},
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