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Specification of Morphological Models with L-Systems and Relational Growth Grammars


Among the techniques for the creation of photorealistic virtual organisms, particularly plants, and in scientific models of vegetation structure, rule-based specifications (formal grammars) play a prominent role. Lindenmayer systems (L-systems) are the most widespread formalism of this sort, but certain types of graph grammars, combined with standard object-oriented programming, offer even more possibilities to specify rule-driven developments of 3-dimensional arrangements, morphology of virtual organisms and underlying processes like, e.g., metabolic reactions. Examples of grammar rules and the virtual geometrical structures generated from them, all realizable with the open-source software GroIMP (, are shown. This grammar-based approach is often not immediately used for the direct specification of a picture as a pattern of graphical elements in a plane, but for virtual 3-D scenes, which are then rendered visible using standard techniques of geometry- based computer graphics.

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Published in:

Kurth, Winfried: Specification of Morphological Models with L-Systems and Relational Growth Grammars. In: IMAGE. Zeitschrift für interdisziplinäre Bildwissenschaft, Jg. 3 (2007), Nr. 1, S. 50-79.
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