Patent in Action. Das US-amerikanische Patent aus der Perspektive der Science and Technology Studies

Author(s): Taha, Nadine


If one draws attention towards the laboratories of the US-industrial research as a site of emergence of new media technologies, it is the patent that steps forward as an actor of great influence. In its appearance as Ready Made Patent it black boxes the fact that the laboratory is indeed its point of origin and masks the organization of its own production processes. Doing this, the patent simulates a transparency that cuts across the call for legal openness of inventive activities and imitable innovation.

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Preferred Citation
Taha, Nadine: Patent in Action. Das US-amerikanische Patent aus der Perspektive der Science and Technology Studies. In: Zeitschrift für Medienwissenschaft, Jg. 4 (2012), Nr. 1, S. 36-47. DOI: 10.25969/mediarep/2667.
 author = {Taha, Nadine},
 title = {Patent in Action. Das US-amerikanische Patent aus der Perspektive der Science and Technology Studies},
 year = 2012,
 doi = {10.25969/mediarep/2667},
 volume = 4,
 address = {Zürich},
 journal = {Zeitschrift für Medienwissenschaft},
 number = 1,
 pages = {36--47},
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