»Die Auseinandersetzung verlagert sich deshalb immer wieder auf die Frage: Wer kontrolliert wen?«


In this interview, Anne Roth, assistant to the parliamentary group «Die Linke» in the German Bundestag, talks about her work in the NSA inquiry commission which was initiated on 3 April 2014 to investigate the cooperation between German and foreign intelligence services, especially the NSA. The interview focuses on the manifest conflict between an institution that is built on secrecy (BND) and the will of the parliamentary inquiry commission to disclose the workings of the agencies through review of documents and questioning of witnesses. Addressed topics include the rhetoric of witnesses, the redacting of documents, discrepancies between legal and technical developments, whether metadata is personal data, and the utopian but legally necessary distinction between national and non-national (German) data.

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Preferred Citation
Roth, Anne; Leistert, Oliver: »Die Auseinandersetzung verlagert sich deshalb immer wieder auf die Frage: Wer kontrolliert wen?«. In: Zeitschrift für Medienwissenschaft, Jg. 7 (2015), Nr. 2, S. 78-86. DOI: 10.25969/mediarep/1593.
 author = {Roth, Anne and Leistert, Oliver},
 title = {»Die Auseinandersetzung verlagert sich deshalb immer wieder auf die Frage: Wer kontrolliert wen?«},
 year = 2015,
 doi = {10.25969/mediarep/1593},
 volume = 7,
 address = {Zürich},
 journal = {Zeitschrift für Medienwissenschaft},
 number = 2,
 pages = {78--86},
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