Funktion des Bildstils von politischen Plakaten. Eine historische Analyse am Beispiel von Abstimmungsplakaten


The style of an image helps to organize the information contained in the image and depends, among other things, on the image structure. To uncover the image structure of vote posters, the basic patterns of the text have to be identified. Applying the results from the research in advertising, the text patterns located in advertisments can be modified and transferred to political posters. Comparing posters from several countries shows that the style of the image may vary depending on cultures and traditions. Moreover, a change dependent on technical developments is recognizable. Another important aspect of the style of the image is the significance of colours, which are used to influence the recipient. The style of the image of (political) advertisment posters does not only contain a persuasive (mostly emotionalizing) function. The ›social‹ function for instance is also a relevant factor. This function is enabled by arranging recipients into certain groups, which can be achieved through visualization. Symbols of identity are another recurring factor, like the Swiss emblem (the white cross on red ground) on vote posters from Switzerland. Regarding this symbol, a shift in the style of the image can be detected during the time period investigated (1848-2005). This shift is accompanied by political change. Up until the 1970s the Swiss Cross can only be found in its ›natural‹ form, white cross on red ground, conveying patriotism and demanding the cohesion of the confederation. In the 1970s, with increased influence of leftist parties, a new variation is added: by changing the colours and through ironic alterations of the Swiss Cross, conservative approaches are abandoned. A further variation occurs in the 1990s: The Swiss Cross serves again as a symbol of unity. The communicators now attempt to unite the German and French speaking parts of Switzerland, because the political majorities in those two parts start to drift apart.

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Preferred Citation
Demarmels, Sascha: Funktion des Bildstils von politischen Plakaten. Eine historische Analyse am Beispiel von Abstimmungsplakaten. In: IMAGE. Zeitschrift für interdisziplinäre Bildwissenschaft, Jg. 2 (2006), Nr. 1, S. 93-125. DOI:
 author = {Demarmels, Sascha},
 title = {Funktion des Bildstils von politischen Plakaten. Eine historische Analyse am Beispiel von Abstimmungsplakaten},
 year = 2006,
 doi = "\url{}",
 volume = 2,
 address = {Köln},
 journal = {IMAGE. Zeitschrift für interdisziplinäre Bildwissenschaft},
 number = 1,
 pages = {93--125},
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