Mit Daten malen

Author(s): Scheler, Carolin


This paper examines the use of motion capture technology as a tool for data vis- ualization. In order to make the recorded motion data actually visually experienceable, it is not sufficient to use it only for the animation of fantasy creatures. The focus here is therefore not on commercial use, as is the case in large feature film productions, but on using the data to gain knowledge – for example about movement sequences in dance or in the field of music. Here, the data are not coupled analogously to virtual bodies, but are often rendered abstractly. The aesthetics of the moving images created in this way stand out from a cinematic narrative and are instead strongly reminiscent of the initial stages of animation, which in the beginning often also brought abstract forms into motion, frequently producing self-reflexive and even subversive moments.

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Preferred Citation
Scheler, Carolin: Mit Daten malen. In: IMAGE. Zeitschrift für interdisziplinäre Bildwissenschaft, Jg. 19 (2023), Nr. 2, S. 27-48. DOI:
 author = {Scheler, Carolin},
 title = {Mit Daten malen},
 year = 2023,
 doi = "\url{}",
 volume = 19,
 address = {Köln},
 journal = {IMAGE. Zeitschrift für interdisziplinäre Bildwissenschaft},
 number = 2,
 pages = {27--48},
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