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When it comes to papers and documents from the archives, the re-evaluation or re-opening of such records is generally considered to be disturbances of a historically (in)formed and oftentimes contingent peace. As modi operandi of the media, however, upheavals do not only occur in the wake of interventions. Unrests have always been predetermined by records (i. a. via blank spaces). In order to transform those blank spaces into something describable, bundles of data can be drawn up about periods of time in which unrests ortimes of peace of historical and historically recorded scope overlap. Thus, differently scaled frames of time are brought to the forefront, describing revolutions and prosperous times.

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Published in:

Paulus, Jörg: Aktenunruhen. In: ZMK Zeitschrift für Medien- und Kulturforschung, Jg. 9 (2018), Nr. 2, S. 59-78.10.28937/1000108175
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