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Genäht oder gegraben, ephemer oder in die Erde versenkt. Divergente architektonische Modi der kollektiven Existenz



What social effects does atent architecture have, in which mode of collective existence do nomadic societies such as the Tuareg live? And what kind of fictionally instituted society is accompanied by an architecture that pro duces a non-gestalt of the collective – such as the buried houses in the Chinese Loess? Such analyses show the social positivity of architecture; and they show ex negativo, which kind of social life goes along with immobile constructions.

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Delitz, Heike: Genäht oder gegraben, ephemer oder in die Erde versenkt. Divergente architektonische Modi der kollektiven Existenz. In: ZMK Zeitschrift für Medien- und Kulturforschung, Jg. 6 (2015), Nr. 1, S. 27-43.10.28937/1000106428
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