No Instructions, Just Some Advice: Agricultural Film and the Pedagogy of Consulting in 1950s and 1960s Austria

Author(s): Schätz, Joachim


What are the roles of film in consulting, and how do so-called ‘consulting films’ (Beratungsfilme) manage and massage the relationship between expert knowledge and its addressee? By studying the use of film in agricultural counseling in 1950s and 1960s Austria, I highlight the slippery pedagogical aspects of consultancy which have been underexplored in recent media histories of ‘consulting knowledge’.

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Preferred Citation
Schätz, Joachim: No Instructions, Just Some Advice: Agricultural Film and the Pedagogy of Consulting in 1950s and 1960s Austria. In: Research in Film and History, Jg. (2023), Nr. 5, S. 1-45. DOI:
 author = {Schätz, Joachim},
 title = {No Instructions, Just Some Advice: Agricultural Film and the Pedagogy of Consulting in 1950s and 1960s Austria},
 year = 2023,
 doi = "\url{}",
 editor = {Pilz, Katrin and Schätz, Joachim},
 address = {Bremen},
 journal = {Research in Film and History},
 number = 5,
 pages = {1--45},
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