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Orient, Islam und Muslime in der Propaganda NS-Deutschlands und Italiens. Koloniales Denken, Antisemitismus und Instrumentalisierung von Südosteuropa bis in den Nahen Osten im Vergleich (1934–1967)


The doctoral project is intended to broaden the view beyond the borders of Germany and Europe and analyse the effects of the totalitarian systems of Fascism and National Socialism. In addition to comparing the broadcasting propaganda in Arabic of Germany and Italy, the research interest lies in researching the image of the “Orient” and the plans and ideas that Italy and Germany had with this geographically and culturally defined region. At the center of the comparative view is the analysis of the motivation for broadcasting propaganda to the Orient, defined by the anti-Semitic world view and the eastward urge of National Socialism and the restorative and imperial striving of Italian Fascism. How did the German and Italian versions of Orientalism appear? To what extent was colonialism reflected in the propaganda? Was anti-Semitism an expression of this thinking? Finally, an analysis of the independence of the ideas of propaganda in the post-war period is intended to make a contribution to the heavily-debated question of the extent to which Islamism and anti-Semitism in the Middle East were encouraged and promoted by the propaganda of the Axis.

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Published in:

Henning, Philipp: Orient, Islam und Muslime in der Propaganda NS-Deutschlands und Italiens. Koloniales Denken, Antisemitismus und Instrumentalisierung von Südosteuropa bis in den Nahen Osten im Vergleich (1934–1967). In: Rundfunk und Geschichte, Jg. 46 (2020), Nr. 3-4, S. 102-105.
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