Gig-Economy, unsichtbare Arbeit und Plattformkapitalismus. Über «Amazon Mechanical Turk»

Author(s): Waitz, Thomas


Taking as its starting point political demands to skim off, within the framework of a «machine tax», the productivity gains which presently arise through digitalization and automatization and accompany the rise of the so-called ‹gig economy›, this essay analyzes the modes of appearance and logics of the digital platform economy using the example of the web service Amazon Mechanical Turk. In the process, and with reference to Karl Marx and Gilles Deleuze / Félix Guattari, the text problematizes the concept of the machine and concludes that the platform under consideration here is not only characterized by an extensive reorganization of labor and labor power, but also the exchange processes, the linkages and networks between the elements of such a machine manifest themselves at the point where they are placed within the context of the currently dominant supply-side economics that has as its goal the availability of a worldwide precariat of labor power.

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Preferred Citation
Waitz, Thomas: Gig-Economy, unsichtbare Arbeit und Plattformkapitalismus. Über «Amazon Mechanical Turk». In: Zeitschrift für Medienwissenschaft, Jg. 9 (2017), Nr. 1, S. 178-183. DOI: 10.25969/mediarep/2140.
 author = {Waitz, Thomas},
 title = {Gig-Economy, unsichtbare Arbeit und Plattformkapitalismus. Über «Amazon Mechanical Turk»},
 year = 2017,
 doi = {10.25969/mediarep/2140},
 volume = 9,
 address = {Zürich},
 journal = {Zeitschrift für Medienwissenschaft},
 number = 1,
 pages = {178--183},
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