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Shitstorm. Das eigentliche Übel der vernetzten Gesellschaft


The term »shitstorm« describes the phenomenon of people, companies or institutions being abused and degraded via digital technologies. The waves of outrage start with the anger of a few individuals but then rapidly develop into a conflict of many participants due to their media-technological parameters. Despite the scope of the »symptoms«, mediacultural analyses of this phenomenon are few and far between. This in turn refers to an approach of the »shitstorm«-phenomenon taken in the present article: first it will discuss the historicity of digital phenomena, second the technological infrastructures, and third the operations linked with those infrastructures that can be considered a ›Hetzschwarm‹

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Gaderer, Rupert: Shitstorm. Das eigentliche Übel der vernetzten Gesellschaft. In: ZMK Zeitschrift für Medien- und Kulturforschung, Jg. 9 (2018), Nr. 2, S. 27-42.10.28937/1000108173
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