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Das Wiederbild. Transmediale Untersuchungen von Bild-im-Bild-Phänomenen



The following article focuses on the problem of image in the image, in the sense of intermediality, transmediality and remediation and researches the status of the repeated image. Image-repeating is a raising to power of the image. I would like to carry out an analysis, categorizing the repeated image (Wiederbild).

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Fám, Erika: Das Wiederbild. Transmediale Untersuchungen von Bild-im-Bild-Phänomenen. In: IMAGE. Zeitschrift für interdisziplinäre Bildwissenschaft, Jg. 12 (2016), Nr. 2, S. 50-69.
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The item has been published with the following license: Unter Urheberrechtsschutz