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Webcams as cinematic medium – Creating chronotopes of the real


This article focuses on webcams as a cinematic medium. It proposes an approach to studying the specific affected ownership, temporality, and filmic potential of the webcam. The article begins by advancing a differentiation between CCTV and webcams. Next, it proposes a synthesis of the notions of cinematic time and network time to analyse the webcam’s real-time footage and conceptualise a third term: ‘realtime’. Furthermore, the article outlines the webcam’s potential to generate cinematic chronotopes owing to their specific form of temporality.

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Albuquerque, Paula: Webcams as cinematic medium – Creating chronotopes of the real. In: NECSUS. European Journal of Media Studies, Jg. 3 (2014), Nr. 1, S. 151-169.10.5117/NECSUS2014.1.ALBU
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