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The Third Party Diary – Tracking the trackers on Dutch governmental websites


This article discusses how the browser plugin Ghostery contributes to a particular understanding of contemporary consumer surveillance by making Web tracking transparent. The Tracker Tracker is a digital methods tool that, by following Ghostery, detects trackers on specific sets of URLs. It was used to examine all the websites of the Government of the Netherlands on a regular basis. Ghostery also invokes a particular informational genre which has an effect on how we understand the issue of Web tracking. The use of such a tool therefore raises a question: what happens when we repurpose an ‘issue device’ as ‘research device’?

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Published in:

van der Velden, Lonneke: The Third Party Diary – Tracking the trackers on Dutch governmental websites. In: NECSUS. European Journal of Media Studies, Jg. 3 (2014), Nr. 1, S. 195-217.10.5117/NECSUS2014.1.VELD
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