People with Disabilities as Nazi Victims on Screen and Paper: A Close Reading of the 1943 Krasnodar Trial Records

Author(s): Rebrova, Irina


This article examines the Soviet propaganda documentary film THE PEOPLE’S VERDICT / PRIGOVOR NARODA (1943) and the records of the Krasnodar open trial from 1943. The primary focus of this research is to illustrate the narrative constructed in the propaganda documentary and to uncover what was concealed from the public regarding the mass killings of a specific group of Nazi victims — psychiatric patients — in Krasnodar region under the Nazi occupation.

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Preferred Citation
Rebrova, Irina: People with Disabilities as Nazi Victims on Screen and Paper: A Close Reading of the 1943 Krasnodar Trial Records. In: Research in Film and History, Jg. (2025), Nr. 6, S. 1-33. DOI:
 author = {Rebrova, Irina},
 title = {People with Disabilities as Nazi Victims on Screen and Paper: A Close Reading of the 1943 Krasnodar Trial Records},
 year = 2025,
 doi = "\url{}",
 editor = {Tcherneva, Irina and Moutier-Bitan, Marie and Pozner, Valèrie},
 address = {Bremen},
 journal = {Research in Film and History},
 number = 6,
 pages = {1--33},
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