Der Guattari-Deleuze-Effekt

Author(s): Alliez, Eric


In order to understand the collaborators' mutual impact in a joint project that began with Deleuze and Guattari's transgression of classical psychoanalysis and advanced to their complete remodeling of philosophy, the notion of a »Guattari-Deleuze-effect« is more adequate than the presumption an unilateral »Guattari-effect« upon Deleuze. Furthermore, Deleuze's and Guattari's concerted efforts leave the paradigms of »interpretation« and »structure« behind; in their critique of Lacan, Deleuze and Guattari turn away from the primate of language as structure and the postulate of an always already constituted subject that is cut off both from the real and from collective processes of individuation. Finally, the concept of a heterogeneous »matter of expression,« which, borrowed from Hjelmslev, allows opening up the opposition between linguistic sign and matter, as well as the concepts of »desiring-machine« and »assemblage«, clear the way towards a becoming-political of philosophy, understood as reappropriation of collective subjectivity's means of production.

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Preferred Citation
Alliez, Eric: Der Guattari-Deleuze-Effekt. In: ZMK Zeitschrift für Medien- und Kulturforschung, Jg. 2 (2011), Nr. 1, S. 55-73. DOI:
 author = {Alliez, Eric},
 title = {Der Guattari-Deleuze-Effekt},
 year = 2011,
 doi = "\url{}",
 volume = 2,
 address = {Hamburg},
 journal = {ZMK Zeitschrift für Medien- und Kulturforschung},
 number = 1,
 pages = {55--73},
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