im auftreten / verschwinden – auf dem Schauplatz und anderswo

Author(s): Menke, Bettine


As entrances and exits, appearance and disappearance are physical and symbolic operations, which refer to the border between onstage and backstage that constitutes the scene and with it the action on stage. To make an entrance is thus a risky and unstable operation between appearance and disappearance. Using the example of contemporary explorations of the conditions of theater that use the stage as a structure of various presentation areas and -spaces, the dependence of the theatrical presentation on an Elsewhere produces a specific pun on disappearance: that which ›disappears‹ here is somewhere else.

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Preferred Citation
Menke, Bettine: im auftreten / verschwinden – auf dem Schauplatz und anderswo. In: ZMK Zeitschrift für Medien- und Kulturforschung, Jg. 7 (2016), Nr. 1, S. 185-200. DOI:
 author = {Menke, Bettine},
 title = {im auftreten / verschwinden – auf dem Schauplatz und anderswo},
 year = 2016,
 doi = "\url{}",
 volume = 7,
 address = {Hamburg},
 journal = {ZMK Zeitschrift für Medien- und Kulturforschung},
 number = 1,
 pages = {185--200},
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