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Im Epochenlosen: Bernard Stieglers Denken des Entropozäns



The paper outlines the thinking of suspension that characterizes the work of Bernard Stiegler. On the one hand, it lays out the problem of ›doubly epokhal redoubling‹ [double redoublement épokhal] Stiegler develops to work through the question of epochal change as the core of his technophenomenology of disorientation. On this basis, on the other hand, it presents Stiegler’s reflections on being-in-disruption, that define our present of the computational Gestell and the Entropocene, as the final stage of the Anthropocene, as an un-time of absence of epoch. It is this condition of epochlesness, this difficult constellation of a comprehensive absence, that enjoins, that forces us today to think carefully, and thereby radically rearticulates the question of thinking in terms of care. The main thesis of the paper is that what is breaking through in Stiegler’s thinking of suspension is a new sense of sense, a trans-formative sense that, given the urgent new ›Great Transformation‹ of which we have seen merely the beginning, may be of great philosophical and political relevance.

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Published in:

Hörl, Erich: Im Epochenlosen: Bernard Stieglers Denken des Entropozäns. In: Kulturwissenschaftliche Zeitschrift, Jg. (2022), Nr. 3, S. 20-44.
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