Book part:
Enslaved by digital technology

Author(s): Nadin, Mihai


Mihai Nadin sees the human condition at stake in the Gold Rush obsession of digital technology entrepreneurs; he considers big data the ‘ultimate surrender to the technology of brute force’ and the age of information ‘by definition an age of total transparency.’ He detects a new Faustian deal where Faust trades better judgment for perfect calculation; he unmasks social media as the ‘background for conformity’ and revolutionary technology as the underlying foundation of the ruling economic system.

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Preferred Citation
Nadin, Mihai: Enslaved by digital technology. In: Simanowski, Roberto: Digital Humanities and Digital Media. Conversations on politics, culture, aesthetics and literacy. London: Open Humanities Press 2016, S. 184-205. DOI: 10.25969/mediarep/11917.
 author = {Nadin, Mihai},
 title = {Enslaved by digital technology},
 year = 2016,
 doi = {10.25969/mediarep/11917},
 editor = {Simanowski, Roberto},
 address = {London},
 booktitle = {Digital Humanities and Digital Media. Conversations on politics, culture, aesthetics and literacy},
 pages = {184--205},
 publisher = {Open Humanities Press},
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