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Book part:
Intervening in Habits and Homophily: Make a Difference! An Interview with Wendy Hui Kyong Chun


In this interview, Wendy Hui Kyong Chun comments on different aspects of the constitution of digital cultures. Habits are viewed as infrastructures, and homophily (the principle that like breeds like), which currently grounds network analysis and fosters segregation, is called into question. Given these interventions, methods forengaging differences and queering homophily are highlighted in order to redefine comfort and discomfort.

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Published in:

Leeker, Martina: Intervening in Habits and Homophily: Make a Difference! An Interview with Wendy Hui Kyong Chun. In: Caygill, Howard;Leeker, Martina;Schulze, Tobias: Interventions in digital cultures. Technology, the political, methods. Lüneburg: meson press 2017, S. 75-85.10.25969/mediarep/2092
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