Video Vortex Reader II. Moving Images Beyond YouTube


Video Vortex Reader II is the Institute of Network Cultures’ second collection of texts that critically explore the rapidly changing landscape of online video and its use. With the success of YouTube (‘2 billion views per day’) and the rise of other online video sharing platforms, the moving image has become expansively more popular on the Web, significantly contributing to the culture and ecology of the internet and our everyday lives. In response, the Video Vortex project continues to examine critical issues that are emerging around the production and distribution of online video content. Following the success of the mailing list, the website and first Video Vortex Reader in 2008, recent Video Vortex conferences in Ankara (October 2008), Split (May 2009) and Brussels (November 2009) have sparked a number of new insights, debates and conversations regarding the politics, aesthetics, and artistic possibilities of online video. Through contributions from scholars, artists, activists and many more, Video Vortex Reader II asks what is occurring within and beyond the bounds of Google’s YouTube? How are the possibilities of online video, from the accessibility of reusable content to the internet as a distribution channel, being distinctly shaped by the increasing diversity of users taking part in creating and sharing moving images over the web?
Preferred Citation
Lovink, Geert; Somers Miles, Rachel(Hg.): Video Vortex Reader II. Moving Images Beyond YouTube. Amsterdam: Institute of Network Cultures 2011. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.25969/mediarep/19286.
 title = {Video Vortex Reader II. Moving Images Beyond YouTube},
 year = 2011,
 doi = "\url{http://dx.doi.org/10.25969/mediarep/19286}",
 editor = {Lovink, Geert and Somers Miles, Rachel},
 volume = 6,
 address = {Amsterdam},
 series = {INC Readers},
 publisher = {Institute of Network Cultures},
 isbn = {978-90-78146-12-4},
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