Shen, Shiming

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Publications from this person:

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  • Dataset
    Crossing Borders Archives – CROBORA
    The ANR CROBORA project investigates the influence of stock shots in fostering a shared European cultural imaginary through television and online media, focusing particularly on the selective deployment of visual elements. This data paper centers on an extensive dataset of French television content preserved by the Institut national de l'audiovisuel (INA), covering the period from 2001 to 2021. Enhanced by meticulous manual annotation, the dataset provides a rich basis for examining the semantic nuances of these visual elements. The project aims to uncover patterns in the usage of these images, tracking their evolution and distribution across time and institutional boundaries. Additionally, the CROBORA project plans to offer this dataset on an innovative visual platform equipped with advanced functionalities to support exploratory data analysis, enabling researchers to integrate various keywords and delve into the data more effectively.
  • Article
    From Stock Shots to Ghost Data: Tracking Audiovisual Archives about the European Union
    Shen, Shiming; Treleani, Matteo; Compagno, Dario; Winckler, Marco (2023) , S. 4-23
    This paper deals with a major challenge linked to the collection of audiovisual documents within television and web archives. Looking for repeated sequences within a corpus of thousands of videos, we faced the fact that the footage we were looking for reveals itself to be reachable only as ghost data. In fact, any audiovisual sequence reused within different contexts exists conceptually as the repetition of one single visual unit, but from the point of view of the metadata tagging its occurrences, each item is a distinct document. Like a ghost, the shot is there, scattered among different places, but the metadata cannot point us to the visual form repeated, despite its evidence to the human viewer. When facing large amounts of data, to relate a visual unit to its occurrences, data analysis techniques are needed. We describe our procedures of collection and annotation, and the solutions combining qualitive work and a computer-aided approach to face this main challenge, within the research project Crossing Borders Archives (CROBORA).
  • Article
    Archiving Europe: Unveiling the visual world through stock shots in French television (2001-2021)
    Shen, Shiming (2024) , S. 370-386
    The ANR CROBORA project investigates the influence of stock shots in fostering a shared European cultural imaginary through television and online media, focusing particularly on the selective deployment of visual elements. This data paper centers on an extensive dataset of French television content preserved by the Institut national de l’audiovisuel (INA), covering the period 2001-2021. Enhanced by meticulous manual annotation, the dataset provides a rich basis for examining the semantic nuances of these visual elements. The project aims to uncover patterns in the usage of these images, tracking their evolution and distribution across time and institutional boundaries. Additionally, the CROBORA project plans to offer this dataset on an innovative visual platform equipped with advanced functionalities to support exploratory data analysis, enabling researchers to integrate various keywords and delve into the data more effectively.