da Rocha Gonçalves, Dulce

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da Rocha Gonçalves

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Publications from this person:

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  • Dataset
    Public lantern lectures in the Netherlands 1880-1940
    This dataset was compiled from newspaper advertisements from the digitized newspaper platforms and and published between 1880 and 1926. A smaller dataset was compiled from a sample of advertisements published between 1926 and 1940 for comparison purposes. This dataset was produced in the context of the research project "Projecting Knowledge: The Magic Lantern as a Tool for Mediated Science Communication in the Netherlands, 1880-1940" funded by the Dutch Research Council (NWO). “Projecting Knowledge” studies the use of the magic lantern in science communication in the Netherlands, 1880-1940, and thereby elucidates the role of this important visual medium in the transmission and dissemination of knowledge. Adding “showing” to “telling”, the lantern allowed to share visual information with an entire auditorium and to present scientific information in challenging ways never seen before. It transformed both teaching and public lecturing comparable to the changes brought about by computer programmes such as PowerPoint.
  • Article
    Public lantern lectures in the Netherlands 1880-1940: A dataset based on historical newspaper advertisements
    da Rocha Gonçalves, Dulce (2023) , S. 368-385
    The media history research project Projecting Knowledge aimed to investigate the use of the magic lantern in science communication and knowledge transmission in the Netherlands between 1880 and 1940. For my research within this project, I conducted a survey of digitised historical newspapers based on the expression met lichtbeelden, the phrase that was most used to describe the use of projection in public lectures. My goal was to understand the reach and prevalence of this phenomenon. This paper discusses the dataset I created from this survey. Using newspaper advertisements as a primary source enabled me to extract information systematically such as date, location, venue, speaker, title of lecture, and organiser. The dataset contains a total of 4,638 entries between 1880 and 1926, and a comparison sample of 83 entries between 1927 and 1940.The dataset provides evidence of the versatility of public lantern lecture in the Netherlands. From concert halls to countryside pubs, academics, celebrity speakers, and popular lecturers discussed not only scientific developments or pioneering expeditions but also mundane topics such as ‘How can one keep chickens and make a profit?’ Moreover, this paper underlines how structured data can be an important resource to historical research.