Review: Sammelrezension: Film Noir-Enzyklopädien
Alain Silver, Elizabeth Ward, James Ursini, Robert Porfirio (Hg.): Film Noir. The Encyclopedia. New York, London: Overlook Duckworth 2010, 512 S., ISBN 978-0715638804, GBP 25.00;
Andrew Spicer: Historical Dictionary of Film Noir. Lanham, Toronto, Plymouth: Scarecrow Press 2010 (Historical Dictionaries of Literature and the Arts, Bd. 38), 474 S., ISBN 978-0-8108-5960-9, $ 130.00
Preferred Citation
Fischer, Ralf Michael: Sammelrezension: Film Noir-Enzyklopädien. In: MEDIENwissenschaft: Rezensionen | Reviews, Jg. 28 (2011), Nr. 2, S. 248-256. DOI:
author = {Fischer, Ralf Michael},
title = {Sammelrezension: Film Noir-Enzyklopädien},
year = 2011,
doi = "\url{}",
volume = 28,
address = {Marburg},
journal = {MEDIENwissenschaft: Rezensionen | Reviews},
number = 2,
pages = {248--256},
author = {Fischer, Ralf Michael},
title = {Sammelrezension: Film Noir-Enzyklopädien},
year = 2011,
doi = "\url{}",
volume = 28,
address = {Marburg},
journal = {MEDIENwissenschaft: Rezensionen | Reviews},
number = 2,
pages = {248--256},

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