Les aventures extraordinaires du cinéma à l’université (de Montréal… et du monde). Naissance, reconnaissance et institutionnalisation de l’enseignement des études cinématographiques


“You’re not ashamed to bring naked women into the classroom!” This is what the Dean of the Faculty of Arts at the Université de Montréal is reported to have said when he was approached with the idea of establishing film studies courses there in 1960. And yet five years later UdeM would become the first university in Canada to offer a cinema program recognised by the upper echelons of academia. It was also one of the first two Canadian universities, in 1974, to offer a minor program; the first, in 1994, to offer a master’s program; and the first, in 2007, to offer a doctoral program in cinema studies. What happened for there to be such a turnaround? By tracing cinema studies’ winding road to a form of institutionalisation, this lecture’s short trip through the archives will make it possible to cast doubt on the verity of the remarks reported above, and to better understand the development of film studies as a recognised academic discipline at UdeM and elsewhere in the world, from the 1960s to our own day – a time when it is in the process of dissolving in what the magazine Cahiers du cinéma calls a “general audiovisual magma.”


Preferred Citation
Gaudreault, André: Les aventures extraordinaires du cinéma à l’université (de Montréal… et du monde). Naissance, reconnaissance et institutionnalisation de l’enseignement des études cinématographiques. (2023-09-29). Berlin: NECS - European Network for Cinema and Media Studies e.V. (NECS/IMACS Lecture Series, ). DOI:
 author = {Gaudreault, André},
 title = {Les aventures extraordinaires du cinéma à l’université (de Montréal… et du monde). Naissance, reconnaissance et institutionnalisation de l’enseignement des études cinématographiques},
 year = 2023-09-29,
 doi = "\url{}",
 address = {Berlin},

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