Book part: The Birth of Socialist Realism out of the Spirit of Radiophonia: Maxim Gorky’s Project “Literaturnaja ucheba”
This article is an attempt to combine a general media theory with amicroanalysis of textual strategies. Firstly, I will offer some broad theoretical considerations on the role of media in Soviet culture. Secondly, I will try to show how the birth of Socialist Realism in Russia is linked to the radio and how its understanding can be based on a specific poeticsof radiophonia. Finally, the third part will present a short microanalysisof Gorky’s editing work on a manuscript sent to him by a young writer. This analysis will show how radiophonic poetics work in the concreteliterary praxis.
Preferred Citation
Murašov, Jurij: The Birth of Socialist Realism out of the Spirit of Radiophonia: Maxim Gorky’s Project “Literaturnaja ucheba”. In: Postoutenko, Kirill: Totalitarian Communication – Hierarchies, Codes and Messages. Bielefeld: transcript 2010, S. 177-193. DOI:
author = {Murašov, Jurij},
title = {The Birth of Socialist Realism out of the Spirit of Radiophonia: Maxim Gorky’s Project “Literaturnaja ucheba”},
year = 2010,
doi = "\url{}",
editor = {Postoutenko, Kirill},
address = {Bielefeld},
booktitle = {Totalitarian Communication – Hierarchies, Codes and Messages},
pages = {177--193},
publisher = {transcript},
author = {Murašov, Jurij},
title = {The Birth of Socialist Realism out of the Spirit of Radiophonia: Maxim Gorky’s Project “Literaturnaja ucheba”},
year = 2010,
doi = "\url{}",
editor = {Postoutenko, Kirill},
address = {Bielefeld},
booktitle = {Totalitarian Communication – Hierarchies, Codes and Messages},
pages = {177--193},
publisher = {transcript},
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