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Historicization in the Archive: Digital art and originality



In digital art preservation, the seeming un-archivability of artworks re-mains to be a central issue. The processual dynamic of digital technologies and the ephemerality of installations as anarchival qualia cannot be pre-served with traditional archive and conservation strategies. By reading digital artworks as archival artefacts within the process of historicization and its underlying knowledge cognition, this un-archivability is investi-gated. The problem of originality in regard to digital art’s modular and processual characteristics as well as its function as a concept inherent to the archive as structure of power and knowledge becomes palpable. The aim is to question how innovative archive systems can alter these struc-tures to incorporate digital art in its mediality and collective aesthetic.

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Published in:

Hoth, Janina: Historicization in the Archive: Digital art and originality. In: Grau, Oliver;Hoth, Janina;Wandl-Vogt, Eveline: Digital Art through the Looking Glass. New strategies for archiving, collecting and preserving in digital humanities. Krems a.d. Donau: Edition Donau-Universität 2019, S. 145-158.10.25969/mediarep/13349
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