Recontextualizing Characters. Media Convergence and Pre-/Meta-Narrative Character Circulation


This introduction to the topic of character recontextualization sets out to ad-dress a variety of character products that cannot be adequately described as ›narrative‹: Coffee mugs, clothes, office supplies, and other material objects. Fictitious entities such as Hello Kitty or Hatsune Miku have given rise to a veri-table wave of literature in Japanese studies outlining a ›pre-narrative character theory‹. Characters without stories, based entirely on highly affective iconogra-phies, often function as hubs, interfaces, or intersections for diverging ›games of make-believe‹ that are in turn often forms of an aesthetic, medial, social, and especially diegetic recontextualization. Consequently, every pre-narrative char-acter could also be addressed as a decontextualized, trans-fictional, trans-world, or »meta-narrative nodal point« (AZUMA). Often, these recontextualiza-tions take place within the collaborative networks of participatory culture, high-lighting the decontextualized character state as central to what is known as ›media convergence‹ or ›media mix‹. I will situate these discussions within the field of international character theory, arguing that a systematic divide runs through existing literature on how to deal with decontextualized, trans-fic-tional, trans-world entities. My article closes with some indications on what a discourse often seen as specific for Japanese studies, might contribute on a variety of international phenomena and perspectives.

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Preferred Citation
Wilde, Lukas R. A.: Recontextualizing Characters. Media Convergence and Pre-/Meta-Narrative Character Circulation. In: IMAGE. Zeitschrift für interdisziplinäre Bildwissenschaft, Jg. 15 (2019), Nr. 1, S. 3-21. DOI:
 author = {Wilde, Lukas R. A.},
 title = {Recontextualizing Characters. Media Convergence and Pre-/Meta-Narrative Character Circulation},
 year = 2019,
 doi = "\url{}",
 volume = 15,
 address = {Köln},
 journal = {IMAGE. Zeitschrift für interdisziplinäre Bildwissenschaft},
 number = 1,
 pages = {3--21},
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