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Kulturtheoretische Perspektiven auf multimodale und transmediale Kommunikation


While, at a basic level, all audio-visual media function using multiple modes, transmedia products and strategies show much more strongly how the prag-matic dimension of interaction between ›texts‹ and ›readers‹ plays a crucial role in making meaning. Various modes, media, and the active participation of the audience or users contribute to the creation of fictional worlds in transmedia storytelling. In the words of Eggo Müller, the products may »format« this pro-cess, but the audience also determines the forms of interaction, even though the producers attempt to plan their integration in multi-modal and transmedia strategies.

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Published in:

Lowry, Stephen: Kulturtheoretische Perspektiven auf multimodale und transmediale Kommunikation. In: IMAGE. Zeitschrift für interdisziplinäre Bildwissenschaft, Jg. 14 (2018), Nr. 2, S. 113-122.
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