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›Grammaticalization‹ within Pictorial Art? Searching for Diachronic Principles of Change in Picture and Language



Based on theoretical and methodological considerations regarding the inter-relationship between picture and language with respect to their diachronic development, the article deals with the question whether and to what extent the process of grammaticalization as a general principle of language change can be likened to the development of narrative pictures. Against this back-ground, it is argued with respect to a broader perspective of image science that a level of comparison for picture and language can be found within a functional-relational semiotic account.

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Zeman, Sonja: ›Grammaticalization‹ within Pictorial Art? Searching for Diachronic Principles of Change in Picture and Language. In: IMAGE. Zeitschrift für interdisziplinäre Bildwissenschaft, Jg. 7 (2011), Nr. 2, S. 43-58.
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