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Vom Höhlengleichnis zum Zukunftsszenario oder wie stellt sich Zukunft dar?


What exactly do we need to bring out pictures of the future? The imagination of reality in presence and past has a significant influence on how we imagine our future. Based on a present reality we are able to imagine our future, doing so conclusions of the past will always have to be taken into account. The research project »future of habitation« is to be assigned to this point. This project attempts to generate desirable future scenarios as trendworlds.

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Foraita, Sabine; Schlegel, Markus: Vom Höhlengleichnis zum Zukunftsszenario oder wie stellt sich Zukunft dar?. In: IMAGE. Zeitschrift für interdisziplinäre Bildwissenschaft, Jg. 6 (2010), Nr. 2, S. 53-65.
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The item has been published with the following license: Unter Urheberrechtsschutz