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Bildbewusstsein und ›willing suspension of disbelief‹. Ein psychoanalytischer Beitrag zur Bildrezeption


The presented paper contributes conceptually from a psychoanalytic perspective to interdisciplinary image research, especially concerning perceptive processes. Originating from certain intense phenomena of image reception the relation of reality and fantasy comes into question. This is associated with the philosophical topic of the so called ›iconic difference‹. It is argued that the corresponding theoretical differentiation of image experiences in ›image‹ and ›tableau‹ can intrapsychically not be conceptualized as an ›either-or‹ but rather as a certain kind of ›at the same time‹. This is then elucidated as a certain interrelation of consciousness and the Preconscious as well as cognitive and emotional processes. The paper is completed with some considerations about the impact of the dynamic Unconscious on the reception of images.

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Published in:

Soldt, Philipp: Bildbewusstsein und ›willing suspension of disbelief‹. Ein psychoanalytischer Beitrag zur Bildrezeption. In: IMAGE. Zeitschrift für interdisziplinäre Bildwissenschaft, Jg. 3 (2007), Nr. 1, S. 52-66.
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