Narrative as Puzzle !? An Interview with Marie-Laure Ryan


Marie-Laure Ryan is an independent scholar working in the areas of narrative theory and electronic textuality. She has written various articles on Hypertext and Narrative, she has published "Possible Worlds, Artificial Intelligence and Narrative Theory" (Bloomington: Indiana University Press 1991) and edited "Cyberspace Textuality: Computer Technology and Literary Theory" (Bloomington: Indiana University Press 1999). Roberto Simanowski talked with her about her forthcoming book "Narrative as Virtual Reality: Immersion and Interactivity in Literature and Electronic Media" (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, late 2000), about the hypertext condition, and the problem of interactive narrativity.

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Preferred Citation
Simanowski, Roberto: Narrative as Puzzle !? An Interview with Marie-Laure Ryan. In: Dichtung Digital. Journal für Kunst und Kultur digitaler Medien, Jg. 2 (2000-03-29), Nr. 3, S. 1-14. DOI:
 author = {Simanowski, Roberto},
 title = {Narrative as Puzzle !? An Interview with Marie-Laure Ryan},
 year = 2000-03-29,
 doi = "\url{}",
 volume = 2,
 address = {Cambridge},
 journal = {Dichtung Digital. Journal für Kunst und Kultur digitaler Medien},
 number = 3,
 pages = {1--14},
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