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Ein Weiterdenken im Anschluss an Christine Goutriés „Rassismus- und herrschafts kritische Faktographie“


This response to Christine Goutrié’s contribution in this issue is concerned with the burden of emotional labor that accompanies critical interventions in the context of racism and hegemonic structures in teaching and the academic apparatus. Based on the perception that in the academy, non-white bodies are being addressed with a broad set of expectations this contribution raises questions about the emotional and affective frictions these racializing dynamics entail.

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Gözen, Jiré Emine: Ein Weiterdenken im Anschluss an Christine Goutriés „Rassismus- und herrschafts kritische Faktographie“. In: Zeitschrift für Medienwissenschaft, Jg. 14 (2022), Nr. 1, S. 37-40.
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