Das Konzert der Maschinen. Simondons politisches Programm


Gilbert Simondon’s essay Du mode d’existence des objets techniques (1958 [On the mode of being of technical objects]) operates in the transitional space between Heidegger’s philosophy of technology and contemporary cybernetics. Furthermore, Simondon outlines an explicitly political program that culminates in the demand to emphasize the status of technical objects in the culture of contemporary society by way of human representatives. The basis for this program is his conception of the technical »thing« as a medium.

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Preferred Citation
Schmidgen, Henning: Das Konzert der Maschinen. Simondons politisches Programm. In: ZMK Zeitschrift für Medien- und Kulturforschung, Jg. 3 (2012), Nr. 2, S. 117-134. DOI:
 author = {Schmidgen, Henning},
 title = {Das Konzert der Maschinen. Simondons politisches Programm},
 year = 2012,
 doi = "\url{}",
 volume = 3,
 address = {Hamburg},
 journal = {ZMK Zeitschrift für Medien- und Kulturforschung},
 number = 2,
 pages = {117--134},
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