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Revolution Uploaded. Un/Sichtbares im Handy-Dokumentarfilm


It is mainly feature films that have been the focus of theories about presence and absence, on and off, or hors-cadre. However, these areas are far less distinct when it comes to documentary film. With the new possibilities for ubiquitously recording images, such as the mobile phone camera, both what is in/visible and what is absent acquire a new meaning, since those who are filming must themselves be seen to a greater extent as part of the filmed scenery. Turning to examples such as Rabih Mroué’s work with mobile phone videos from the Syrian civil war (The Pixelated Revolution) and other documentaries that compile amateur material, this essay explores how the hors-cadre might be conceived considering this material, and what the current strategies are to transform YouTube documents into a discourse that goes beyond their primarily indexical function.

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Published in:

Krautkrämer, Florian: Revolution Uploaded. Un/Sichtbares im Handy-Dokumentarfilm. In: Zeitschrift für Medienwissenschaft, Jg. 6 (2014), Nr. 2, S. 113-126.10.25969/mediarep/1257
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The item has been published with the following license: Unter Urheberrechtsschutz