Dennehy, Tadhg2022-03-282022-03-282022 article is a textual analysis of the film ACCEPTABLE LEVELS (John Davies, 1983) and its wider position within the context of cinematic representations of the Northern Irish conflict. Through this device, of a film within a film, its production and subsequent broadcast, ACCEPTABLE LEVELS’ focus is on the way in which the media reports, constructs, and interacts with significant news events, how it engages with the historical moment and the audiovisual trace it leaves behind through the reporting, or non-reporting, of moments of violence and civil unrest.engCreative Commons Attribution Non Commercial No Derivatives 4.0 GenericNordirlandhistoriographymetafictionNorthern IrelandBritish television791“…will you show that on your British television?” Acceptable Levels as Historiographic Metafiction: Problematising Historical ReconstructionLinda Hutcheon10.25969/mediarep/18104ACCEPTABLE LEVELS2627-5848