Keinonen, Heidi2020-08-242020-08-242016-08-01 the growing number of publications on television formats, specific theorisations regarding formats and format adaptation, in particular, are still rare. In this article, I introduce a synthesizing approach for studying format appropriation. Drawing on format study, media industry research and structuration theory, I suggest that television formats should be understood and studied as a process of cultural negotiation in which global influences and local elements amalgamate on various levels of television culture (i.e., production, text, and reception); every level includes several sites of symbolic or actual negotiation. These sites emerge in the duality of structure and human agency.engCreative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 GenericFernsehenMethodologymedia industry researchstructuration theorytelevision formatformat adaptation070791Television Format as Cultural Negotiation: Studying Format Appropriation through a Synthesizing Approach10.18146/2213-0969.2016.jethc10310.25969/mediarep/147062213-0969