Lange, Ida Sofie GøtzscheLaursen, Lea Holstvan Hulst Pedersen, Marieke2023-07-172023-07-172023 two Danish case studies, we investigate how the media of sound and film production are used in port city branding and transformation: in the port city of Struer through a somewhat unconventional branding strategy called ‘The City of Sound’; and in the port of Hirtshals, through film productions foregrounding cultural, social, and physical-material aspects of the port. The paper analyses the role of sound and film in place-branding and port city development and discusses the challenges and benefits of these ventures as a port city transformation strategy, and in the building of positive port city narratives.engCreative Commons Attribution Non Commercial No Derivatives 4.0 Genericplace-makingtop-down vs. bottom-up strategysite-specific brandingauthenticity in brandingport city relationships300700The use of sound and film as rebranding strategies in two Danish port cities10.25969/mediarep/197542213-0217