Kaldrack, IrinaLeeker, MartinaMagee, LiamRossiter, Ned2018-09-252018-09-252015978-3-95796-056-6https://mediarep.org/handle/doc/2992Our central interest in this essay is to consider the role of the database as a technology of governance and the scramble of power as it relates to a capacity to model the world and exert influence upon it. We argue Software as a Service is more than a new vogue term of the IT industry, constituting a longer temporal horizon and more complex rearrangement of relations between data and labor to which the database and its entailments remain critical.engArbeitblack box politicsDatenbankLogistik650Service Orientations. Data, Institutions, Labor10.25969/mediarep/1047978-3-95796-056-6http://dx.doi.org/10.25969/mediarep/651