Pasquinelli, MatteoWheeler, Michael2018-09-252018-09-252015978-3-95796-066-5 to the hypothesis of extended cognition (ExC), our thinking is not just happening in the brain but spreads out to the beyond-the-skin environment. Following an introduction to the basic idea of extended cognition, this essay explores that idea in relation to two issues: first, it looks at the hybrid education in an increasingly networked world; second, at the situating of organic cognition within so-called “intelligent buildings.” It is argued that we should understand these contemporary developments as the latest realizations of an age-old human ontology of dynamically assembled, organic-technological cognitive systems, since it is of our very nature to enhance our raw organic intelligence by forming shifting human-arte-fact coalitions that operate over various time-scales.engCreative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 Genericarchitectural technologyextended cognitionhybrid educationintelligent architecture150Thinking Beyond the Brain. Educating and Building from the Standpoint of Extended Cognition10.25969/mediarep/1312978-3-95796-066-5