Fizek, Sonia2020-03-102020-03-102018 of play has become an ever more noticeable phenomenon in the domain of video games, expressed by self-playing game worlds, self-acting characters, and non-human agents traversing multiplayer spaces. This article proposes to look at AI-driven non-human play and, what follows, rethink digital games, taking into consideration their cybernetic nature, thus departing from the anthropocentric perspectives dominating the field of Game Studies. A decentralised posthumanist reading, as the author argues, not only allows to rethink digital games and play, but is a necessary condition to critically reflect AI, which due to the fictional character of video games, often plays by very different rules than the so-called “true” AI.engCreative Commons Attribution Non Commercial No Derivatives 4.0 Genericartificial intelligenceAIvideo gameautomationgame worldsGame Mechanicsposthumanismanthropocentrismactor-network theoryKünstliche IntelligenzKIVideospielAutomatisierungSpielweltSpielmechanikPosthumanismusAnthropozentrismusAkteur-Netzwerk-Theorie006302Automated State of Play: Rethinking Anthropocentric Rules of the Game10.25969/mediarep/13532EVERYTHING2364-2114