Gächter, YvonneOrtner, HeikeSchwarz, ClaudiaWiesinger, AndreasRehfeld, Swantje2023-08-222023-08-222008https://mediarep.org/handle/doc/21020In view of the postmodern subjects of nonlinear, discontinuous storytelling, today the phenomenon of digital literature is talked of. But where are the pictures illustrated a literary text in these digital narratives? Is there a digital picture, which can be compared with an illustration of a literary book? With an example of an “interactive illustration” (William Gibsons Johnny Mnemonic) this study tries to find out, if in this media changeover digital storytelling put a different way and also changed its topic.deuIn Copyrightnonlinear storytellingdigital narrativesdigital narratives800700Verpixelte Bildgeschichten. Literarische Illustration als hypermediale Narrationsform?10.25969/mediarep/19808978-3-902571-81-6