Boltanski, Luc2019-09-302019-09-302019 paper will focus on the thematics of mystery, conspiracy and inquiry, a subject area explored in one of my more recent books, where I sought to understand the prominent place these thematics have occupied in the representation of reality since around the turn of the 20th century. It has also long been my aim to analyse the role that these thematics may have played in the formation of political metaphysics. Although not necessarily one of the canonical forms of political philosophy, political metaphysics left its mark on the last century and, in all probability, continues to haunt the present one. It can be seen as a kind of mythology that is equipped with a formidable practical effectiveness, which gives it the power to shape the contours of reality. The thematics of mystery, conspiracy and inquiry have constantly flipped back and forth between the representation of reality in literature, particularly in so-called ‘popular’ literature, and the most disturbing and sometimes most dramatic aspects of reality itself.engCreative Commons Attribution Non Commercial No Derivatives 4.0 GenericPolitikPhilosophieMysteriumVerschwörungRealitätKapitalismusGeschichteLiteraturpoliticsphilosophyhistoryliteraturecapitalismrealitymystery800320Reality and its twin: The thematic of conspiracy in political metaphysicsFranz KafkaJorge Luis Borges10.25819/ubsi/4110.25969/mediarep/12640nbn:de:hbz:467-14616