Kooijman, Jaap2018-09-262018-09-262013https://www.necsus-ejms.org/test/greening-media-studies-an-interview-with-richard-maxwell-and-toby-miller/https://mediarep.org/handle/doc/3257Not often does reading an academic book make you feel uncomfortable, pushing you out of your comfort zone as a scholar and consumer. GREENING THE MEDIA (New York: Oxford University Press, 2012) by Richard Maxwell and Toby Miller is such a book – an ‘inconvenient truth’ that forces one to realise that our media consumption comes at a price. Backed by revealing data Maxwell and Miller show how our media culture of flat-screen televisions, iPads, and smartphones has a destructive impact on the ecology, the global energy supply, and the working conditions of laborers in low-wage countries.engCreative Commons Attribution Non Commercial No Derivatives 4.0 GenericRezensionÖkologieGrünInterviewbook reviewecologygreen807Greening media studies – An interview with Richard Maxwell and Toby Miller10.5117/NECSUS2013.1.KOOI10.25969/mediarep/150742213-0217